
Thursday, February 6, 2014

Happy Birthday!!!!

I picked up a pen and started saying just what I’d say to you if we were face to face….these are the words I would say”  -  Sidewalk Prophets “The Words I would Say”


I know, I know, grown up girls don’t always say daddy. It’s what I’ve called you since I could talk so I don’t see any reason to stop now. You seem to like it ok… and besides, when did I ever promise to be grown up? :P You’ll get a card when you come home today. But here’s the message that wouldn’t fit in it. Besides, I want the whole world to know how awesome you are.

-  Thank you for being there, Daddy.  You know how whenever we travel you just let me ramble about everything and nothing up in the front seat with you? Well… that really means a lot. How you take it I don’t know. I tell you about everything from school to music to guys to what annoys me on social media.  Yes, people, he lets this go on for 6 hours straight sometimes. Nobody listens to me for 6 hour straight. :P He even invited me on another trip this spring. And if I have to stay up from here ‘til then finishing up this class, I want to go with you!

- Daddy, thank you for never half doing things. Whenever you’re going to do something, you’re going to do it, and do it right. Whenever one of us kids is interested in something you and mom always try to find the best teacher, the best supplies, the best whatever it is.

- Thank you, Dad and Mom, for sharing the truth with us but never throwing us out there to get beat up by it. Remember all the Nonwestern lit stuff you read for me? It made the nasty material so much easier to handle/come to grips with by having you to discuss things with. Your notes and comments were invaluable for that class.

- Thanks for being interested in so many aspects of life. You’ve exposed Rebekah and me to so many things, from cowboys to symphonies. I feel sorry for the girls whose dads  don’t walk them over “the land” or give them a chance to drag a couple little trees to brush piles (btw we should do that again sometime) or make a dozen wheel barrow trips. I feel sorry for the girls who never held a snake, albeit for only 2 split seconds. ;) I feel sorry for the girls who never are taught the rules of football. Thanks for never making your girly girl be a tomboy – but instead just letting me experience it all.

- Thank you for watching all those girly movies. (Yes, folks does he get a medal or what?)

- Thank you for driving half way around the world every summer for Truth School and CP ambassadorships. And for all the other trips we don’t talk about much - all the medical ones that cost way more than I ever want to know. For all the money, time, energy, and prayer you dump into your girls.

- Thank you for saying way back in October and repeating as necessary the following: My life if my life. That you want me free to choose. Free from the burden of pleasing everyone.And most of all... that you and mom will be pleased with me no matter what. Really for true - to quote a family saying.  

They say we have bunches in common. And they’re right. Same eyes, same actions when stressed, same GPA, similar way of processing certain bits of information, both student body presidents, etc, etc. and did I say etc.?  We joke about it… but I just want you to know here and now I think you’re a swell person to be like.

I love you, Daddy! So glad I'm your daughter. Happy Birthday! 

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful daughter you are to our son and servant of the Lord. God has truly blessed us with you and Rebekah as grand daughters. Abuela and I hold you up to Father for His protection and blessings each day as you study to be who He wants you to be.
