
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Hello! Welcome to my little corner of cyberspace. I’d offer you tea or cookies or coke or hot dogs, but I’m not sure how to send them via computer screen. So, just take the thought instead.

Conversation – the four year old who had never talked suddenly began to string long words together. One of the most memorable phrases retold by family members is of grabbing one of their hands and saying “let’s have a conversation.” The little girl was me and I still like few things better than plopping on a sofa, hugging a pillow or my knees, looking someone straight in the eye—and having a conversation. So, let’s make this blog another conversation. Blogs are usually used as one way forms of communication for the most part. Well, let’s change that. See that comment button? Use it. I want to hear from you! :)

The purpose of this blog is simple – it’s the recorder, journal, catch all of those miscellaneous, deep, and not so deep (i.e. crazy) thoughts that run through my head. They may express praise for the Savior whom the author can’t imagine life without. They may document memorable events. Many times though, they will simply be the ramblings of a happy, tired, worn, or ecstatic girl. When I’m really exhausted of English classes I promise to break rules. Like this. That wasn’t a complete sentence. Neither is this….. and yes… I intentionally used too many ellipses. Shout out to you if you actually were detail oriented enough to notice.  If you weren’t, you’re like me…

I don’t promise to have “high” or lofty messages to bring you. I’m just an ordinary girl who’s the daughter of an extraordinary God.  So the goal? To make you smile a little. Maybe if I’m really inspired I’ll make you cry, laugh, and think a little too.

Let the blogging journey begin! Most probably the posts, backgrounds, and tag lines will change over time – hopefully for the better. But the general idea will always stay the same – Catherine wanting to talk to you


  1. :mrgreen: Can't wait to read all your posts! And yes, there's not much that can beat having a *true* conversation with someone. :)

  2. It's about time you made a blog, Catherine! All those lovely RT posts... ;-) Look forward to it! :-)
    ~Claudia N

  3. Beautiful blog Sweetheart!!! We made it safely to the Big Island.
    It is good to have some rest time from the emergency room. Thanks for your prayers. We pray your allergy is better. This morning while I was still asleep Abuela opened the garden door to find a little mongoose at her door and the doves cooing for their mates. We miss you and are very proud of you. Abuelo
