Hi Mom,
Remember when I scribbled a whole story on Post-It notes because I had this story idea and that was the first paper I spotted? Plus, I liked how they stuck together like a book... well, almost. And you didn't get mad at me? Remember, taking me all over Dallas after some doctor's appointment to find the perfect journal because I wanted to write? And how we wondered from store to store and mall to mall and I came back to the first book at the first place? But you never got mad. Remember how as I got older I had days when the stress and the this and the that chaos of everyday life would mount up I just needed to take a couple hours and write? And you always somehow understood. Or when we get in late from somewhere and I'm supposed to take a shower and help and instead I get out of the shower and have to rush and write a poem down even though it's a crazy late hour of the night because if I don't record it immediately I'll forget it... but you always support that too. And there's been other things and other times too that would take forever to list...
Thanks, Mom for understanding, supporting and encouraging me.
Thanks for pouring hours into my resume and cover letters even when I became exhausted and frustrated.
Thanks for driving and flying all over the country to take care of my chronically itchy feet.
Thanks for buying the best curriculum and being the most patient teacher in the world.
Thanks for taking my desires and passions seriously.
Thanks for researching the best in every field - be it health, school, or now business.
Thanks for being an example of what a true lady is.
Thanks for teaching us how to eat off of silver, walk properly in heels and use proper manners and conversation skills.
Thanks for also showing by example that true ladies don't mind working hard and getting dirty when necessary.
Thanks for being alert despite how fatigued you must have been and catching that idiot before they poked a 5' needle into a preemie.
Thanks for not giving up on a little life before it had a chance to live. You don't talk about it much. But I know it would have been easy to just call it quits instead of flying all over the country looking for answers and paying who knows what... (I shudder to think).
Thanks for showing on a daily basis what sacrifice and perfect love look like.
Thank you, Mom.
I love you!
- your daughter